Second Circle – premiered at La Jolla Film Fesival 2012
Directed by Indira Cesarine

The 2012 La Jolla Film Festival included short films from directors Karl Lagerfeld, Bruce Weber, Luca Finotti, and Indira Cesarine.

Cesarine premiered her short film, “Second Circle” produced for the  Fall / Winter 2012 issue of The Untitled Magazine dedicated to the theme of “Cinema” on Friday, July 27th.

The La Jolla Fashion Film Festival is the first international fashion film festival founded in North America, bringing together over a hundred short films. Last year’s festival marked the largest gathering of fashion film professionals in history, and the third incarnation of the festival this year is poised once again to break records.  This year’s festival will be held from 8 to 10pm on July 26, 27, and 28, screening over twenty short films each night in the theater at the Museum of Contemporary Art La Jolla.  The festival not only showcases fashion films from around the globe, but also brings together industry professionals to participate in seminars, panel discussions, and networking.  The event provides exposure to filmmakers working in the emerging cinematic genre of fashion film, and allows them to interact with their peers, building an international network of colleagues.  This year’s panel discussions will include talks on how web tech trends effect the creation and distribution of fashion films, social planning and branding for filmmakers, and how to increase distribution.

Indira Cesarine also joined Marius Troy as a panel speaker on “Leaders in Transmedia Fashion” at 4pm on Friday July 27th, 2012

Leaders in Transmedia Fashion
Transmedia is the art of story telling across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies. Come and hear how two people in the fashion film industry are using this concept to propel themselves, their websites, and readers forward into the future of fashion film distribution.

La Jolla Fashion Film Festival Panel #1 Friday July 27th 3-4pm MCASD La Jolla.


Second Circle Credits:
Directed by Indira Cesarine

Featuring Jack Guinness, Tatjana Saric, Laura Paine, Lindsey Sullivan
Cinematography by Indira Cesarine & Brian Fawcett
Editing by Bernice Gonzalez and Indira Cesarine
Music by Nicholas Neidhardt
Makeup by P Miletto
Hair by Elliot Bssila
Women’s Fashion styling by Indira Cesarine
Jack Guinness’ wardrobe by Charles Adesanya
Featured designers: Alice Palmer, Ashley Isham, Bernard Chandran, Corrie Neilsen, Dans La Vie, Euphoric, Francesca Marotta, Georgia Hardinge, Inbar Spector, Jaspar Garvida, Kristian Aandevik, Little Shilpa, Luisa Beccaria, Pam Hogg, Pedro Garcia, Victoria Grant
Special thanks to the Curtis Family for Ogbury House

Second Circle was inspired by the time transcending film Orlando and verses from the book Dante’s Inferno. It presents a journey into another time and place in which man is confronted by his morality as he descends metaphorically into the circle of ‘lust’ from Dante’s Inferno. The allegory of life and love features actor Jack Guinness with Laura Paine, Tatjana Saric and Lindsey Sullivan. The video premiered at The Museum of Contemporary Art La Jolla on July 27, 2012 at the La Jolla Fashion Film Festival.

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