Musician/Youtube star Rebecca Black, Photographed by Indira Cesarine, 2021.
Rebecca Black is an American singer and YouTuber. She gained extensive media coverage when the music video for her 2011 single “Friday” went viral on YouTube and other social media sites. Black went on to release other songs, including her Dave Days collaboration “Saturday.” She uploads videos on her YouTube channel about various topics, and she has released two independent extended plays, RE / BL (2017) and Rebecca Black Was Here (2021). Her debut studio album Let Her Burn was released on February 9, 2023.
Read the exclusive interview by Indira Cesarine with Rebecca Black in The Untitled Magazine’s “The INNOVATE Issue”: “10 YEARS AFTER ‘FRIDAY,’ REBECCA BLACK SHARES HOW FAR SHE’S COME WITH EP ‘REBECCA BLACK WAS HERE’ FOR THE UNTITLED MAGAZINE’S ‘INNOVATE’ ISSUE”
ClientThe Untitled MagazineRolePhotographyYear2021FeaturingREBECCA BLACKMakeupRoberto MorelliHairRoberto MorelliLocationNew York CityMediumPhotographyLinkuntitled-magazine.com