Time Warp, Directed by Indira Cesarine, features Hannah Samokhina. The fashion film presents the voyage of a girls mind as she wafts between dreams and consciousness. As she sleeps she transcends time to another era, with the history of Woodchester House and the spirits within it possessing her dreams. Make up by Philippe Miletto with hair by Bianca Touvi, fashion styling by Indira Cesarine, with music by Nicolas Neidhardt.
Directed by Indira Cesarine
Featuring Hanna Samokhina
Styling by Indira Cesarine
Hair by Bianca Tuovi @ CLM
Makeup by Phillipe Miletto
Cinematography by Indira Cesarine
Additional camera operators Matt Flemming, Daniel Herendi
Assistants to the Director: Bran Symondson, Daniel Herendi, Olivia Beresford, Lalique Martinez
Edited by Michaela Vatcheva, Bernice Gonzalez and Indira Cesarine
Music by Nicolas Neidhardt
Special Thanks to Richard Hains of Woodchester House.
“The Voyage Issue” Premiere, Big Screen Plaza, New York September 13, 2011
Big Screen Plaza, Daily Screenings – New York, September 2011 – June 2012
“The Untitled Fashion Film” Video Installation, Cannes 65th Film Festival, VIP Rooms, Cannes, France – May 25, 2012
The “Voyage” Issue Fashion Film Installation and Paris Fashion Week Party at La Villa, Paris, France – October 1, 2011
ClientThe Untitled MagazineRoleDirector, Cinematographer, Production, CastingYear2012FeaturingHanna SamokhinaStylistIndira CesarineMakeupPhillipe MilettoHairBianca Tuovi @ CLMLocationWoodchester House, England