Fashion film “Voyage” directed and edited by Indira Cesarine, was featured on the cover of The “Voyage” issue 4 of The Untitled Magazine. The video features footage from around the world juxtaposed with model Joy McLaren and the falcons of Harrods, jewelry by Sabine Romeur and clothing by Temperly, Ralph & Russo and Kristian Aadnevik. Makeup by Philippe Miletto and hair by Eliot Bssila with music by Moby. The cover was shot in London, England and also features original footage by Indira Cesarine on location in Cambodia, Thailand, Spain, England, and France among other international locations.
Directed and produced by Indira Cesarine
Cinematography by Indira Cesarine
Featuring Joy McLaren
Edited by Indira Cesarine
Assistant Editor Michaela Vatcheva
Makeup by Phillipe Miletto
Hair by Eliot Basila
Fashion Director Indira Cesarine
Additional Camera Operator Karc Chan
Assistants to the Director Karen Potter, Karc Chan
Music by Moby
Special Thanks to Sabine Roemer & Harrod’s
“The Voyage Issue” Premiere, Big Screen Plaza, New York September 13, 2011
Big Screen Plaza, Daily Screenings – New York, September 2011 – June 2012
“The Untitled Fashion Film” Video Installation, Cannes 65th Film Festival, VIP Rooms, Cannes, France – May 25, 2012
The “Voyage” Issue Fashion Film Installation and Paris Fashion Week Party at La Villa, Paris, France – October 1, 2011
ClientThe Untitled MagazineRoleDirector, Cinematographer, Production, CastingYear2012StylistIndira CesarineMakeupPhillipe MilettoHairEliot Basila