We The People (2020) by artists Indira Cesarine and Fahren Feingold. Neon Glass Mounted to Watercolor on Paper on Wood Panel with an electrical transformer. Dimensions 22 1/4 × 29 1/2 × 5 in. This is a unique work. “We The People” premiered in exhibition, “Art4Equality x Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness”. and features bold neon text stating the words VOTE (by Indira Cesarine) mounted over a watercolor mounted on wood panel (by Fahren Feingold) depicting a wide array of faces of people from a variety of backgrounds. The artwork was additionally featured on a billboard for over 1 month in Manhattan presented by SaveArtSpace and Art4Equality.
TitleWe The PeopleYear2020MediumNeon Glass Mounted to Medium Format Archival Photograph on Sintra with Electrical TransformersDimensions22 1/4 × 29 1/2 × 5 inEditionLimited EditionExhibitedArt4Equality Benefit Group Show, SaveArtSpace public billboard, September - November 2020NotesCollaboration of artists Indira Cesarine and Fahren FeingoldPurchasewww.artsy.net