Series of conceptual glass neon sculptures hand made by Indira Cesarine. Each work is a conceptual portrait, inspired by human heartbeats. The “LIFEFORCE (Heartbeat)” series was started in 2018, with “LIFEFORCE (Heartbeat No 4),” pictured, which features molds of the artists hands holding the heartbeat emphasizing the fragility of life and how love can be tangible.
TitleLIFEFORCE (Heartbeat No 4)" + Heartbeats No 1-4 (neon only)SeriesLIFEFORCE + HEARTBEAT SeriesYear2017-2018MediumGlass, Neon, ResinDimensionsVariableEditionAll Limited EditionNotesHEARTBEAT NO 3 (SOLD) / LIFEFORCE + HEARTBEAT 1 & 4 AVAILABLEPurchasewww.artsy.net